CATDOLL 100CM Torso Doll Japanese Doll Tami Small Jade
CATDOLL 100CM Torso Doll Japanese Doll Tami Small Jade
Product Details
Catdoll 100cm Torso Doll Japanese Doll Tami Xiaoyu
Doll Specifications :
Height (Including Head) [123 ]半身高(torso doll height):80cm
体重(Weight):18.5kg(including head
Waist (WAIST): 59cm
hip circumference (HIP): 74cm Head Circumference: 50cm
Shoulder Width: Shoulder Width: 30cm
Foot length: 21cm
Packaging weight: 21kg Special Line to USA, (10-15Days for Delivery.
Most Dolls Will Be Shipped to Warehouse in Ca or in Other State Custom Clearance. .No Custom Issue and Free Tax. ) Special Lineto Eu. company will do cusom clear and send to warehouse
.no cusly isSue and free tax.
) a dress, an extra wig, a wig comb, a hook, a drying rod, a pair of glove and simall outfits for gifts.123] Payment Methods:
You canplace an ordexpress and pay by your Credit Card.
] In case you cannot do this, we also accept western and bank transfer, please just contact us. [ [123]
More nude pictures and video, PLS Email US.